As many of you may know, Stacy worked with Washington and Lee University's Shepherd Program for the Interdisciplinary Study of Poverty and Human Capability ( for 3 years. During that period she helped create and develop the Elrod Fellows Program ( which places Washington and Lee graduates in public service sector jobs after the graduate. After volunteering at Kinship House, Stacy suggested creating a new Elrod Fellowship at Kinship House to her former colleagues in the Shephard Program. After careful consideration and planning with the staff of the Shepherd Program and those at Kinship House, it was decided that a 2007 Washington and Lee graduate, Walker Williams, would be the inaugural Elrod Fellow at Kinship House. Walker will arrive at Kinship House in October and stay on for 6 months. Walker will perform the duties of past volunteers such as helping teach the children at the local school, taking them to the hospital for medical care, and looking after their dietary needs. As well as these important duties, Walker will also seek out new projects for the children of Kinship House and other ways to improve the facilities and living conditions of the children. Walker's 6 month placement also occurs during an important period (October-March) because Kinship House oftentimes receives the majority of its volunteers in the summer months.
To make Walker's time at Kinship House a reality, we need your help. Washington and Lee University and The Shepherd Program do not have sufficient funds at this time to sponsor Walker's Fellowship. Therefore, we need to raise enough money ($5,500) to ensure that Walker can indeed spend 6 months at Kinship House.